10 Tech Trends That’ll Change The Way You Market In 2019

Written by The Kong Team

On January 10, 2019
10 Tech Trends That’ll Change The Way You Market In 2019

Picture this…

Somebody has just said “Hey Alexa…” and found their way to your website.

Just as they’re about to look for more information, up pops your bot and guides them through what they want.

As they do so, they’re funneled through a specific series of steps that only they see, despite looking at the same website & page a few hundred other people are checking out at the same time.


You make a sale.

And as it goes through, that persons smart watch pings confirming the order.

A day later it pings again, asking them if they’d like to add a discounted item to their order.

Its cheap, something they definitely want, and they click “ok”.

And just like that technology has facilitated a sale!

You could’ve been at the beach, in an Uber, stuck in a meeting, or just away from your computer.

The point is technology has the ability to grow your business.

But you need to know about the right kind of tech to begin with.

That’s why I want to show you the ten tech trends that could change the way you do business in 2019.

Simply read on for more…


10 Technologies That’ll Transform Your Business in 2019


10 Tech Trends That’ll Change The Way You Market In 2019 Infographic


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