20 Proven Strategies To Get More People To Open Your Emails

Written by The Kong Team

On February 5, 2020
20 Proven Strategies To Get More People To Open Your Emails

Ask any die-hard marketer and they’ll tell you one thing…

And with this one thing you’ll be able to:

  • Reach more people for less money
  • Build a bigger business, faster
  • Increase your sales ten-fold
  • Create more raving fans that’ll tell everyone about you

I’m talking about subject lines.

More specifically, great subject lines (that get more people to open your emails).

Sounds deceptively simple, right?

You’ve heard that old saying “The Money Is In The List”, well it makes no difference how big your list is if you’re not engaging with it.

That’s where a well-crafted email marketing strategy comes in.

If you’ve built a list of 10,000 people, and 30% are opening each of your tri-weekly emails, you’re reaching 9,000 people every week.

Think about the impact that could have on your business?

The trick is in your open rates, and how many people you can get to actually open your emails.

That’s why I want to share 20 proven strategies, backed by science, that you can use to get more people to open your emails.

Check it out…


20 Proven-By-Science Tips To Increase Your Open Rates


20 Proven Strategies To Get More People To Open Your Emails Infographic


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