The Best Channel To Spend Your Marketing Budget This Year

Written by Steve Dornonville De La Cour

On July 25, 2019
The Best Channel To Spend Your Marketing Budget This Year

It can be such a headache.

I know the feeling.

So many people preach about the different channels that are working for them.

Email, social, inbound, paid media, conferences, influencers, you name it.

Sometimes it can feel overwhelming.

Have you given thought as to where you’ll be spending your budget this year?

Or better yet, do you know which channel offers you the best return?

Campaign Monitor have put together an interesting look at three of the most popular channels marketers use to find customers to grow their business.

But which is the best – Email, social or paid media?

Find out below…


Where To Find The Best Return: Email Vs Social Vs Paid


The Best Channel To Spend Your Marketing Budget This Year Infographic


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