Richard Branson said it best, didn’t he?
“If you look after your staff, they’ll look after your customers. It’s that simple”
I couldn’t agree with him more!
Studies have shown that an employee’s happiness is directly linked to their output, and ultimately their influence on your business, revenue and bottom line.
So motivated employees are simply good for business.
The types of environments where employees can grow, learn and develop are the ones where the business immediately has an unfair advantage over their competitors.
But how exactly do you keep your employees motivated?
Let me show you the three simple things you can implement in your business right now to achieve this.
Simply read on for more…
Employee Motivation: How To Get It Right In 3 Simple Steps
The 3 Secrets To Improving Your Employee Motivation
If you’d like to learn a little more about these principles in detail, Dan Pink expands on them in a particularly powerful Ted Talk.
In fact, this might be one of the best pieces of research that explains and delves into employee motivation I’ve ever seen.
Check it out:
Until next time, here's to happier employees!